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Rivers of Illinois Coordinating Council

Candid photo of Lt. Governor Stratton, right, with a man wearing a long sleeved shirt and vest. The photo is cropped, and we are looking at their profiles, as they have a conversation. In the background is a body of water with some guardrails and a small tree in the left side of the frame.

The Rivers of Illinois Coordinating Council advises the Governor and State agencies on ways to better coordinate and optimize funds affecting the Illinois River Watershed and rivers statewide.

The Rivers of Illinois Coordinating Council, chaired by the Lieutenant Governor, was originally created in 1997 and reconstituted by 20 ILCS 4117 on January 1, 2023.

The Council periodically reviews activities and programs administered by State and federal agencies that directly impact the Illinois River Watershed, the Mississippi River, and the Wabash and Ohio Rivers, as well as advises and makes recommendations to the Governor. The Council helps identify possible sources of additional funding for rivers and watershed management projects.

In collaboration with local communities and organizations, the Council works to address watershed and water resource concerns and to encourage strategies that protect, restore, and expand critical habitats, soil conservation, and water quality practices. It also encourages local communities to develop watershed management plans to address stormwater, erosion, flooding, sedimentation, and pollution problems.


The Carp and Other Invasive Species Committee

Supports and coordinates statewide efforts that effectively mitigate the presence of aquatic invasive species. 

The Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee

Aims to improve economic development and address infrastructure concerns related to the state’s bodies of water.

The Conservation and Environment Committee

Works to preserve Illinois rivers and waterways while maintaining water quality to avoid nutrition loss and pollution.

Upcoming Meetings

Previous Meetings